于2017年3月  香港柳心馆 资深教练 陈钧迪 DICK CHAN 到上海静安道场指导 指导内容为 传统冲绳刚柔流 以自卫防身为目的的练习方法。

DICK SENSEI 除了指导以外 也有当场演武。 上海学员会都感受到他的功力和腰跨的动作。

感谢 DICK SAN 亲临指导

p.s. Dick San 曾被香港电视台访问, 可按此观看YOUKU视频.

On March 2017, Dick Chan sensei visited Shanghai Jingan dojo and coached us the traditional GOJURYU karate, with the focus on self defense.

In additional to the training, Dick sensei did a performance on his kata, Shanghai students are all impressed by his power, speed and the hip's movement.

Thanks dick sensei for his coaching.

p.s. Dick Sensei was interviewed by a HK TV programme, click here to watch